Top 10 Island Cities

Trogir, Croatia Take an afternoon stroll with gelato in hand through the medieval maze of streets. Blessed with stunning nature and an easygoing pace of...

Rare Blue Moon Will Appear Across All Time Zones On Halloween

This Halloween, a rare blue moon will appear across all time zones, for the first time in 30 years. The term Blue Moon is used...

Colorful Patterned Gifs

Australian aartist Karan Singh, previously featured here, is back with new animated creations. Among polka-dots, stripes and vivid colors, wa can appreciate the way...

Inspired Colorful Pop Illustrations

Born in Turin, the twins behind the Van Orton studio are passionate about comics, video games and pop-culture directly from the Nineties. An inspiration...

Geometric Sandcastles

Selection of Calvin Seibert‘s works. His constructions flow and fit to give life to ephemeral pieces of art that are fascinating on an architectural plan. ...

World’s Most Visionary Cities

Seoul: Public Bridge The sleek, sculptural Paik Nam June Media Bridge—connecting Seoul's Dang-Li power plant with the National Assembly Building—will be a multilevel marvel. Inside...

Everything You Need to Know About “Love”

Why do we fall in love? More importantly, why was a feeling of love in the evolutionary process developed, preserved and supported? In this...

Beautiful Images of Different Seasons Worldwide

The captivating images of the talented freelance photographer Li Ye from Tibet, China leaves us thoroughly impressed. Taken during different seasons, Li Ye unfailingly captures the...

The World of Miniature from Japanese Artist

Every day, a scene of an imaginary miniature world. This is what the Japanese Tatsuya Tanaki offers. On his site Miniature Calendar updated daily since...

Huge Colorblock Totems in Nevada Desert

Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone exposes his monumental sculpture entitled “Seven Magic Mountains” in the desert of Nevada, near Las Vegas, during two years, from...

Organic Mandalas

Shona Wilson is an artist based in Australia. She makes sculptures representing mandalas using organic products found in nature. Thus, in her project entitled “Offering”,...