10 Adorable Celebrity Kids Who Grew Up Less Than Innocent


Being famous as a child is sometimes a recipe for disaster. Many celebrity kids turn out spoiled brats, an embarrassment for their parents.

Here’s a look at some very famous kids who did not cope well with celebrities. You’ll be appalled by some of the things they did!

8Kylie Jenner

DFree / Shutterstock.com

Growing up in the limelight is very hard, and overall, Kylie Jenner turned out pretty well. She did make her first billion before turning 18, after all. Nevertheless, the beautiful Kylie has been involved in quite a few scandals.

You might remember her throwing a birthday party for her best friend and using a Handmaid’s Tale theme.

The idea caused an uproar on social media, and Kylie was accused of being tone-deaf for not realizing that the TV series’s subject is no laughing matter.


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